viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

The Gruffalo

"The Gruffalo"

Hi everyone! 

These last weeks have been great. We have had plenty of fun working with "The Gruffalo", an incredible story. We drew Venn diagrams, we answered questions, we worked with the "I see..., I think..., I wonder..." rountine, the "point of view circle" routine and we even acted out the story!

So, here are some pictures where you can see how we worked.




And in this video you can listen to the story, but this time, you have the great opportunity to listen to the different animals' voices. You can listen to it to practise your part for after the holidays! Hope you enjoy it!

And hope you enjoy the holidays, too! I wish you very nice winter holidays! Relax, sleep and play a lot, every single day. 

Miss Luchi.

martes, 8 de julio de 2014

Palabras para el dictado del viernes 11

Chicos de Tercero N, aquí están las palabras para practicar el vocabulario trabajado durante nuestro proyecto de educación vial "Cuidado, chicos al volante"




viernes, 4 de julio de 2014

Fair Play every day, everywhere!

Every four years the world paralyzes. Every four years we all turn into fans, players and football coaches. But most important, every four years everyone, regardless of nationality, wave one same cloth: the FAIR PLAY flag. Although we used the World Cup as an excuse, with 3rd grade we concluded that not only in sport, nor just every four years –but in all areas of our life and every day- we must have a Fair Play spirit in order to have a better CONVIVENCIA

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014


"What will we do on Friday?"

Some of you have already started asking that! Are you anxious? We are! And, as you, we can't wait to do the experiments we're planning for Friday... Let's do them together!!! But we have to wait one more day; see you then!

Here is a picture of what we did last Friday. We worked a lot on substances, analysing where we can sink and where we can't. It was a very funny afternoon!

Miss Laura and Miss Luchi.

The Fair is here!!!

Details here, details there...

We have been practising a lot! We hope a lot of people visit us tomorrow evening to enjoy what we have prepared.

3rd N